Worst Burglar Ever

Worst Burglar Ever

Worst Burglar Ever rapidshare.com
Pooing it when you hear someone in the house thinking its a burglar..then the cleaner walks in to the room. *life saved*

When I see my TV floating at night, it's not a burglar, it's just Chandler taking it. #ChandlerIsBlack

@milliesibson they wont give u a good at night but if I was a burglar I wouldn't wana get hit by one #knockout #sparko

Home from hols to find a dead mouse. Worryingly it seemed to have been attacked by a cat - I don't have a cat! - Cat burglar perhaps???

RT @TomAyreziee: Always think what I'd do if a burglar broke into my house...

It sounds like someone is walking around downstairs.. We either have a burglar or a ghost #Fearful

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