Apple - OS X Mountain Lion

Apple - OS X Mountain Lion

The world's most advanced desktop operating system gets even better. And makes the Mac, iPad and iPhone work even better together.
I'm bout to knck Ty'vi out if she touch my apple pie! RS lol

RT @realjasonrivera: @JohnCena my favorite #RAW moment is when @CarlitoColon got the win on @JohnCena and spit the apple on him afterward. :-)

RT @SitoFrix: Hola, vodafone? -Si -¿Cuanto me queda de permanencia? -Bastante ¿Por qué? - PORQUE QUIERO UN PUTO SAMSUNG GALAXY III Y QUEMAR APPLE¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

@AngelDeLaMuert3 Oh, sí! Siempre que lo necesites... Amaría en serio que al fin pudieras hacerlo... Woop!

"@Bout_My_Green Apple bee's has the best fries I ever tasted" Have you tried Buffalo Wild Wings's fries?

Life was much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits

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