The Kinks -- Father Christmas (better audio)

The Kinks -- Father Christmas (better audio)

Took the old video with the bad audio quality and put the MP3 version of the song I had on there. It syncs up pretty well but it gets a little off near the end. Pretty good though overall.
Sure, we could've gotten the kinks worked out and taken care of all of the 'settling in' adjustments on our own, but it would've taken...

RT @Belgmeister: Ok. So I’ve worked out all the kinks in my first impulseclock mod ls&sb and I made new one. Finihing the last bits and will post both soon!

@I_amMOB ok ill email you some pics and let you know what I can offer on the publicity side as well.

I LOVE the kinks !

RT @GhostwritaMusic: RT @_CokeMan if all the girls u ever had sex with still alive u don't need to get tested

spell antidisestablishmentarianism backwards and tell me the defintion. then we can talk...oh baby lmao

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