Russell Brand Tells MPs Drug Addiction Should Be Treated As Illness

Russell Brand Tells MPs Drug Addiction Should Be Treated As Illness

Comedian Russell Brand has told MPs on the Home Affairs Select Committee addiction should be treated as an illness instead of a crime. The 36-year-old who said he had beaten a heroin addiction which saw him arrested a dozen times, blamed his drug problems on emotional and psychological difficulties. Society should not "discard people, write them off on methadone and leave them on the sidelines" and should exercise more "love and compassion", he argued.
Me: -----, ano brand ng sabon mo? Elmer's glue? Haha trip kooo

@TriggaTao I just can't live without one :( cheapest are used ones? I can't afford one for brand new one though they're like 350 quid !

Sweet Dreams All, Tomorrow is a brand spanking new day..Yippeeeeee xoxox

A good brand image is not an easy feat though

These streets will make u feel brand new (8)

@JamieForster Not as far as I know. As we only manf 'own brand' goods for large retailers SM wouldn't help us as far as I can see

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Will Smith
