America - Fuck Yeah!

America - Fuck Yeah!

Satire of the US
RT @MikeDrucker: Not with those typos. RT @realDonaldTrump America a great country who's brightest days, with wise leadership, lie ahead.

When America takes 1million lives in Iraq for oil; not Terrorism???

RT @sarahsside: Listening to @MittRomney speaking without apology for success to #NAACP gives me hope for a better America under his leadership - @GOP @ABC

The uniform. I like it. A lot. God Bless America. :p

“@J_CHUE “@Sunflower729: @caa____ yo that booty is niiiiice! God bless America!!!!!!!!” she ain't lyin” lmao hey boo, I miss u

They're taking RV too far RT @TroyLWiggins: Wife was right, Red velvet yogurt is not the look. Tastes like corporate America's lies.

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pool bit boys
