「Lost My Music」 - Hirano Aya LIVE

「Lost My Music」 - Hirano Aya LIVE

Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou
What would I do without country music, my family, friends, and my cats I would definitely be lost with out them! #catlover

RT @SwallowMyW_rds: I feel like getting lost in my music.

If it wasn't for music, I probably would of lost my cool & killed a few people. Or set some shit on fire.

Wanna listen to my music tonight but I think I lost my headphones!!!

RT @IQue10: Sometimes I really do get lost in my music I can literally plug in my headphones and be transported away from everything in life

RT @iPromise_YOU: once i put my headphones in im lost in the music !!!

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