漢字演變汉字演变History Change of Hanji_01

漢字演變汉字演变History Change of Hanji_01

Produced by Chu Bang Fu studio(www.cbflabs.com),introducing the history change of Chinese word. Chu Bong-Foo was born in 1937 in Hubei province in China. In the 1960s, Chu wanted to go to Brazil and immerse himself in the culture. While there, he also studied composition in the Masters Program of the Bahia University School of Music. An opportunity arose in the 1970s that called for him to apply his various talents to organize investors in a major agricultural project in Brazil. This venture did not turn out as planned. Bankrupt, destitute, and unable to return to Taiwan, Chu encountered a hippy group that represented the best aspects of that movement; their monastic practices, rejection of material civilization, and pursuit of the truth attracted him. At 36 years old, he ended up in the largest publishing house in Brazil. Aware of the extensive delays for printing Chinese books, the speed for publishing a book written with the roman alphabet astounded him. From the time the author submitted the draft to the publishing house for editing, printing and available for shipping, it only took twelve hours. He thought that if books in China could be processed as efficiently, Chinese could save their culture from inundation by Western influences. In 1973, perceiving the role computers would play in the future, he knew Chinese characters must be rendered completely compatible with the machine of the next era. Based on his research, he then developed the Cang Jie method to allow ...

@ryokilific 漢字が厄介だよね。 流れ自体はそんなでもないけど、漢字頑張れー!おれはルソーとかの思想を覚えないといけないんだ


レモンスカッシュをレスカと略すの知らない人が割と多くてびっくりしたんだけど知らない方が少数派だよね(・ω・)? あと「ドンミル(?)」て言われたことがあって何かわからんかった…ポカーンとしてたら「ホットミルクをぬるめで」って言い直されたから、漢字にすると「鈍ミル」とかなのかな?

RT @soinlove: 最近よくラノベのタイトルが、パパのいうことを聞きなさい、とか、僕の妹は漢字が読める、など文章になっていて揶揄のネタにあがっているが、明治時代に、吾輩は猫である、なんてタイトルつけた作家がいるらしい。読んだことないんだけど多分ボクっ娘ネコ属性の可愛い妹が活躍するラノベだと思う。

@PsSing_Vo 蜘蛛の生体とかしらべたくないわー← そいや漢字で書くと車軸藻なんでしょ!? ちょっとリアルでキモそうだよね実際そうでもないけど笑

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