I Don't Need No Doctor (live) - Humble Pie

I Don't Need No Doctor (live) - Humble Pie

Rockin' The Fillmore
Niggas get diabetes from humble pie , wale tho

LMFAO @ "involuntary eat some humble pie."

RT @laceandlattes: “@lalalalauraah: GIRL take a nice, big, huuuge slice of humble pie!” oops

humble your self my nigga before you have to involuntary eat some humble pie.

RT @swizzysworld: @ em fiz lol u ol subtweeting softy haha RT @Fizzy_Love: I wanna pass out slices of humble pie to a few of my followers.

Damn u follow a bitch on twitter Instagram n tht shit to go to their head like theyre abt to record deal. Bitch have a piece of humble pie

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