Exclusive - Adam Green - Breaking Locks

Exclusive - Adam Green - Breaking Locks

To celebrate Adam Green's new album 'Minor Love' being released in the UK next week, here's the first of four webisodes that were filmed to accompany the album. The music featured in this video is called Breaking Locks. Directed by Dima Dubson. Minor Love is available to buy from: bit.ly
@shahidsaeed sharp ear...had to give it a 2nd listen.Yes, that minor part is a bit weak but barely noticable.Pretty gutsy to even try this.

RT @paoorues: Cuando una mujer te busca es por que realmente le importas ...

@valevale111 un giochino che gira ora su Facebook XD anche se io gioco da iPhone. Bisogna indovinare le canzoni che ascolti in minor tempo

Le first day of my #student #job is done, only one (minor) screw up. Colleagues still #funny, earning money is fun with these guys.

@yinton_tan dk. u ask me i ask hu??? LOL. up to u. minor minor can le. later chairman jealous. ><

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