Jack Nicholson winning an Oscar® for "Cuckoo's Nest"

Jack Nicholson winning an Oscar® for "Cuckoo's Nest"

Art Carney presents the Best Actor Oscar® to Jack Nicholson for his performance in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" - 48th Annual Academy Awards in 1976.
I've had pizza with Harrison Ford and waited on line at CVS behind Jack Nicholson, what is so hard about coffee and donuts with @tomhanks ?

me indigno com essa galera q acha q só existe o Johnny Depp de ator bom. já ouviram falar de Robert De Niro, Chris Walken, Jack Nicholson?

@BritBlackPwns And Jack Nicholson as The Joker… That was goooooooooood !

Wow. You even play a mildly disfigured PI like Jack Nicholson. Either this is shameless or extremely flattering.

@toghettos It was good, but not mindblowing. Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill are my favourite Jokers, though. I love UtRH Joker, too.

RT @CristinaRmzR: @MARIANARQL ya te dije que me da miedo siento que te estas convirtiendo en Jack Nicholson en the shining.

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