Chieftains - A Breton Carol (1987)

Chieftains - A Breton Carol (1987)

DISCLAIMER: All music, lyrics, videos and photos, remain copyright of their respective owners. No infringement intended. Used for the Artist's promotional purposes only. This video will be removed under the copyright's owner request. Thanks for your understanding.
On the fifth day the Governor of the town called all the tribal chieftains to an audience in the market square, to hear their grievances.

You got it RT @The_Topless @paddyrock How about the Chieftains and Sinead O'Connor singing The Foggy Dew for @DOC_Boxing?

Now Playing! The Chieftains - Happy To Meet !On Free Radio

#10honestfactsaboutme I have a very eclectic taste in music, from MJ to Jedward to Rona Nishliu to the Chieftains to Judy Garland

CATCH UP! NOW PLAYING 【The Lark In The Clear Air / Olam Punch / The Chieftains feat. Punch Brothers】#interfm #catchup761 #nowplaying #radiko

On the fifth day the Governor of the town called all the tribal chieftains to an audience in the market square, to hear their grievances.

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