What is Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

What is Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

In this video tutorial I demonstrate what an XSS attack (Cross-site scripting attack) is to show you how a.hacker can use XSS vulnerabilities to.hack into your website. I start the video by explaining the mechanisms of cross site scripting, and I proceed to demonstrate a number of pranks you can play on unsuspecting users. I also demonstrate how cookies can be stolen to hijack sessions and I take a peek into the vulnerable code that allows such attacks. I hope that this video will both entertaining and educational, and that by learning about XSS you can keep your own website safer. The tool used in this video is Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner.
-! W Ana MuCh Z3Lana Enu Atharb Ana Bac 7azena w Bact3'rab !! xSS Maryem

Realtime WAF/modsecurity rules: Updates to XSS protection rules

Realtime WAF/modsecurity rules: Updates to XSS protection rules

Ya ando como mi amiga.. "hablame hablame hablame" xSS

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> ←半角不等号だと消えるっぽい。XSS対策か何かかな…

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