What is ADHD? (www.explania.com)

What is ADHD? (www.explania.com)

Embed the original video on your website or blog via www.explania.com or watch even more animations on www.explania.com This short film explains what ADHD is and how to treat it. The movie also discusses the sub-types of ADHD and the difficulties children with ADHD or ADD often deal with.
@charlie_haji Jump off the boat and stop being someone your not. I don't really listen to him or follow him, but that comment was dumb lol

What do you understand better than others because of your #ADHD? #theartofADD

@Mizzy_ADHD jump off a boat? Seriously? Sh man

@Realtalk_mizzy yo

OCD, ADHD, BPD, ED...and u guys still follow me. ur amazing ;')

@orderoochaos my son’s teacher told me that my son is struggling with his executive function skills. Being #ADHD myself this shot up big

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