The Secret World - GDC 2012 Presentation

The Secret World - GDC 2012 Presentation

This is the mostly unedited, full-length presentation held for press behind closed doors at GDC 2012, featuring Senior Producer Ragnar Tørnquist, Lead Designer Martin Bruusgaard and Lead Content Designer Joel Bylos presenting all new features and content. The presentation includes a first look at character creation, the Dragon starter experience, the achievements and lore system, crafting and Transylvania. The video contains both direct feed from the game as well as footage from the presentation itself. The light conditions in the presentation parts of the video is not optimal for video, and the reason for this is that it was shot during a live press demo and lights had to be kept down to ensure the best possible viewing experience for the people in attendance. Make sure you head over to the official forums to discuss when you're done viewing!
RT @ThatBoiJulian: Spoil your girl

MIND BLOWN = "What if I told you... that the alphabet song is really Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star?" RT • @stfunavi_

@Jcktown i posed to be sendin him sum change dis week...uma DM u his address and GDC num

Ive been single for over 6 -___- RT • "@torinicoleeeee: Single life for almost 2 years now! #goingstrong woo lol #foreveralone"

Si je vais aux Comores je vais faire EDC/GDC ( Électricité Des Comores/ Gaz Des Comores)

RT @blondeswag: so ugh.. i kinda wanna kiss you in the rain.

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