Euphoria 3d Physics Engine by Natural Motion - Used in GTA4

Euphoria 3d Physics Engine by Natural Motion - Used in GTA4

(Watch in HD) This is the physics engine (sorry, not graphics or ragdoll as previously stated) Rockstar games used in their newest Grand Theft Auto game, out this coming Tuesday, April 29. Company web site: This engine allows completely CPU driven physics and collision detection. Because it is completely dynamic and is not based off of key frame animation or motion capture, it is extremely hardware intensive. GTA4 will be the first blockbuster to launch using this engine, and will get its real test in the multi-player arena as players join up on their XBOX 360 consoles. This sort of dynamic technology is the future, and creates new possibilities for gaming we've never imagined. It will however, take a while before most people's home PCs are powerful enough for this to work its way into the Massively multi-player arena in any really pure dynamic form.
Bana balik tutmayi ogretme, bana kahve yap! Cok uykum var ve bitmiyor bugun.

@HollieCobain yeah that's kinda how it's been all my life. I've has disabilities and very little social skills. so I was a ragdoll basically

Omg remember they ragdoll chains like the gold necklaces??? HAHAHA ABSOLUTELY RAMPIN!!

@f0xymoron @rudy_o @itgirl_ragdoll @drytheriver so happy for all of you ;__;

@missglamorazzi can u tweet me the link to the breeder u got nugz from? i really want a ragdoll! thanks!

@MzBryttani :( Well you can't allow yourself to be treated like a Ragdoll just because of obstacles! You deserve much better than that! (:

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