Junge Smile - Dakishimetai

Junge Smile - Dakishimetai

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"@FactHive: Most people smile when they are frustrated." ..........oh hell naw

S/o @Im_Simply_Me15 really cool, w/ a gorgeous smile... She the def. of a female athlete, Hit her follow button or get lost n the jungle lol

Shouldn't be . Cuhh ur my boo thang. I wanna know what makes u smile *in my singing voice

RT @JasmineQuiterio: @onedirection Just smile and look like a cute jungle animal having some water. Simple, but effective. #1dcaptioncomp

RT @TheRealBpark: S/o @Im_Simply_Me15 really cool, w/ a gorgeous smile... She the def. of a female athlete, Hit her follow button or get lost n the jungle lol

Ayyyyyyyyyyyeeeee #oomf just made a yung nigga smile

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Manfred Mann
