Elaine burrows in snow

Elaine burrows in snow

Elaine does her best "Bugs Bunny" impression in the snow in the Curllsville Heights!
Lovin summer but I wouldn't mind jumping in a snow bank right now #holytits

@Ima_Cole_Man @chocolatkutie ol lord y'all stop cuz y'all gettin mad it's my fault i take da blame be mad at me

@klam1219 @aya_tacocheese @stefantoussaint Snow. East coast wins.

RT @disneywords: When hearts are high, the time will fly. –Snow White

"Green grass breaks through snow. Artemis pleads for my help. I am so cool." -Apollo <3

@gerhardvogt dale, me vendría bien música para la fase final de uno de mis exámenes! \o/

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