Festival of Colors - World's BIGGEST color party

Festival of Colors - World's BIGGEST color party

Download the song from the video on iTunes!!! It was made by "Kyle Andrews", and the name of the song is called "Sushi". itunes.apple.com Check out the making of this video on my second channel (it will be released March 28th) :) youtube.com Film made by Devin Graham Make sure to subscribe to my channel for new vids almost each week! youtube.com I also had several friends help film this! Here they are! Jace LeRoy (he's awesome, and films with me on a lot of our videos) Check out Jace's awesome website! www.tasteofjace.com Cameron Manwaring Grant McCarty Tristan Wright Edited by... Devin Graham Cameron Manwaring My friend Scott Jarvie who was one of the main photographers for the event, you can see some of the behind the scenes of it all in his blog post down below! http For all the shots where the camera was on a pole, we used Contour cameras to get those shots. Check them out. contour.com For the actual pole itself that we hooked the camera to, we used a Go-Scope pole. I bought mine on this website. They make them for GoPro cameras, not Contour cameras, so we had to rig the camera to the pole to make it work. go-scope.com Find out more about this awesome event in the link below! www.utahkrishnas.org As far as making the camera look like it was "flying", I used a glidecam 2000 HD for all those shots. You can check out the exact model on their official website below where you can also buy them, and I don't get paid to say that www.glidecam.com As far as a techincal level ...
RT @KarateDudeKyle: They laughed at me because I was a ginger. I laughed because it was the same color as their blood.

@Pearl_MoCocaine yea. I was actually think about that color .

If U Ever Said "Nigger Naps" You're Racist No Matter What Color You Are!

We'll go down this road till it turns from color to black and white ❤

RT @alfonsoleon10: #Escorpio todo llega junto en este momento tendrás q tener la calma y la inteligencia de actuar o se te puede caer algo. Color verde

Yet they have Babble put together this lily white blog. Not one kid of color. Not one family with a child with special needs?

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サクラ大戦V さらば愛しき人よ

