Jerry Markham plays Like to Get to Know You Well - Howard Jones cover

Jerry Markham plays Like to Get to Know You Well - Howard Jones cover

I put this together to demonstrate Roland's RPS (Realtime Phrase Sequencing) integration into my current keyboard setup. In this video, Roland JP-8000 for bass and brass. Roland XP-60 for pads and RPS. The two phrases were preprogrammed and assigned to the lower two (unused) keys. You'll notice me changing patches between parts of the song. The phrases are staying in time with the internal sequencer clock that is inaudible. I programmed the drum sounds to sound like the EMU Drumulator and SImmons SDSV that Howard was using in 82-83. In addition, the backing sequence was recreated to sound like the Sequential Circuits Pro One that Howard also used around 82-83. So, hopefully you get an idea of what it looked like from behind the keyboard, except Howard had to lug around much more gear. Leave your comments. Would love to hear from you. I'll be playing my own songs in this format in the DFW area in 2009-2010. Look me up at a show.
Exporting another update video. xP 60-some percent done! :D

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