映画『ライフ −いのちをつなぐ物語−』予告編
超ハイスピードカメラを駆使して撮影された、地球に生を受けたさまざまな動物たちの生きざまに迫る驚異のドキュメンタリー。アザラシやチーターなどの動物をはじめ、ハネジネズミやカイツブリなどの珍しい生き物たちが必死に知恵を絞って命をつなぐ姿を追い掛ける。イギリスのBBCが製作を担当し、ナレーションを『007』シリーズのダニエル・クレイグが務める。地球に暮らす生き物たちの、美しく勇壮な世界初の映像に目を見張る。 配給: エイベックス・エンタテインメントwww.onelifemovie.jp (C) BBC EARTH PRODUCTIONS(LIFE) LIMITED MMXL ALL RIGHS RESERVED.
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Amazing Concept Cars for 2057
These are some of the most recent concept cars from the last LA auto show. Manufacturers like Honda, Mazda, Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, Nissan and Mercedes Benz have come up wit revolutionary designs that are fit fot the probable roads of the future. For quality parts at discount prices go to www.autopartsplace.com
Robert Moses State Parkway (I-190 to Niagara Falls) westbound
The Robert Moses State Parkway parallels the Niagara River from just east of the city of Niagara Falls to Fort Niagara on the shore of Lake Ontario. Through the city of Niagara Falls, the parkway has been downgraded and even removed through downtown; hints of this road's former alignment are visible up and down the stretch through the city proper... Highlights: North Grand Island Bridge, East Niagara Falls Industrial Area, NYS Power Authority Water Intake Towers, New York State Park, PARKWAY ENDS (sort of...)
(GAME PV)ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫 クラフトデコール物語[MAD]