David Letterman - Is Johnny Depp a Justin Bieber fan?

David Letterman - Is Johnny Depp a Justin Bieber fan?

Is Johnny Depp a true Belieber? He shares with David Letterman his experience meeting Justin Bieber
RT @AlyssaStatile: _Johnny_ _Depp_ is hotter as a pirate

RT @StrokesTeenager: 10. Johnny Depp es el tío más genial, sexy y guapo del mundo entero. Gracias a él, consigo sonreír.

@TwinkleToes_20 Yep it sure is monday :P I dont even know what I do tbh.. :S Johnny Depp 1 :) Haha well.. ;) Score keeper init? :D Haha :Pxx

Someone told me that I remind her of Johnny Depp because I look good with short hair and long hair, but "you're better". Sorry, but no.

RT @Perpetually1D: Zil Çalınca'da ki çocuklar oyuncuysa ben Johnny Depp'im.

Johnny Depp is hotter as a pirate

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