Into Eternity - Trailer

Into Eternity - Trailer Every day, the world over, large amounts of high-level radioactive waste created by nuclear power plants is placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and to societal changes. In Finland the world's first permanent repository is being hewn out of solid rock -- a huge system of underground tunnels - that must last 100000 years as this is how long the waste remains hazardous. Buy the DVD here: Stream the full film by visiting Dogwoof TV at You can also make money by sharing the Dogwoof.TV player with your friends - see the FAQ on the website for more details
"Answer the big question of eternity, and the little questions of life fall into perspective."

just get on the floee and do it all you gotta do is put yaa back into it !

RT @iPopAlomo: God sent Jesus into this world to be our saviour And that Christ is returning, someday soon to unfold the wonderful plan of eternity

RT @RyanSlaterr: It's you and me, Moving at the speed of light into eternity yeh, Tonight is the night, To join me in the middle of ecstasy

RT @andrewwommack: Any situation we face can be reduced to a manageable size if we will put it into the perspective of eternity.

It's you and me, Moving at the speed of light into eternity yeh, Tonight is the night, To join me in the middle of ecstasy

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