Rooster Crowing in the Morning
Rooster Crowing in the Morning

Get your Punk Rock Rooster T-Shirt: Get your Rooster Crowing in the Morning T-Shirt: Get your Roosters are Beautiful bumper sticker: Pearl white leghorn rooster crows in the morning. The British call roosters "cockrills." What is a rooster called in your native language or slang? He looks like a real-life Foghorn Leghorn cartoon. The chicken which appears in the end was his main hen. The sound is all natural. In fact, this video was uploaded as-is, the shots were back-to-back in the camera, so it's original and in-camera-cut. The rooster didn't notice me, I shot him while looking through the bedroom window doing his daily crow in the morning. He was beautiful. Video taken with a fun predecessor to the Kodak PlaySport which produces awesome video for such a tiny, well-built, all-weather gadget. Click to view 3D version on bottom right of video frame. April 21, 2012 - NEWS ALERT! Did you see the video counter? Wow! Last night, the rooster video surpassed 4000000 views, so that means worldwide, millions of people have enjoyed it or hated it. Featured on National Geographic website here:
What's the difference between a rooster and a slut??
A rooster says, "cockadoodledoo!!"
A slut says, "Any cock'll do!!"
RT @askBilal: I want to kill every rooster in Kabul. I don't want kabob, I just want them to shut up.
ga je je rooster kijken zie je staan 7/8 en je gaat helemaal blij zijn kijk je veder zie ze staan lo
Bloody fucking rooster. I was just leaving the run and he came hauling ass at me so I waited and slammed the door on him. Perfect timing
What's the difference between a rooster and a slut?? A rooster says, "cockadoodledoo!!" A slut says, "Any cock'll do!!"
RT @Evil_Humor: What's the difference between a rooster and a slut??
A rooster says, "cockadoodledoo!!"
A slut says, "Any cock'll do!!"
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