Ayumi Hamasaki A song is born duet mix dedicated to Annie Le
for more of my singing work please visit www.youtube.com In Loving Memory of Annie Le RIP 1985-2009 I know it is not vietnamese but it is an Asian song, one of the most freeing songs ever. I think this is a great way to tribute Annie Le I hope you all feel the same way. I never did this for any one but for Annie this is worth it. This was my first ever Japanese song I learned to sing and now I am proud to share it with all of you:) but really this is more about Annie Le and also the creater of the song Ayumi Hamasaki more then me. I hope you all like the way I sing the song and like my tribute to Annie. I would like to send my prayer's and condolences to the Le and Widawsky family's for this terrible tragidy that did not have to happen. This song was dedicated by Ayumi Hamasaki to the victims in 911 and now I am happy and proud to dedicate it to Annie Le thanks to Ayumi Hamasaki. At the end of the song please stay tune for the one minute of sillence to honer Annie Le thank you and God Bless all Annie fans!! special thanks to Annie Le forum for the Pictures Specail thanks to Divine Ayu for the Lyrics English a song is born Lyrics: Ayumi Hamasaki Composer: Tetsuya Komuro Arranger: Tetsuya Komuro Long, long ago, in the far-off past, this world was born. In the ever-repeating history, we have inherited life. But from here, the only way I can tell you this is by singing this song. Remember, just one more time the form this world should have. And please, don't forget, please ...

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