[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。

how i met your mother aw man!! (the blitz)

how i met your mother aw man!! (the blitz)

How i met your mother
@Rich__Griffin rich did u hit the lotto n holding back on us

RT @ABSCBNChannel2: Can't you hear that boom badoom, boom boom badoom boom bass? Her starship has finally landed! Welcome to the Philippines Nicki Minaj! ;)

@J_Litz Schwarzenegger 7's will be the death of me #dustoffthosedumbells

Just took the biggest of my entire life, like I'm in pain.... Done with fast food for awhile after this nonsense

RT @NICKIMINAJ: Philippines!!!!! Thank u soooo much for the warm welcome! So excited to be here! See ya @ the show tomorrow!!!!! :)

RT @ealitz: @KingLitz52 @lyssa122 papa Litz has got the keg. I'll get the shots. Pat bring the moonshine.

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イン・アメリカ 三つの小さな願いごと
