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Red Ring Of Death FIX Tutorial Xbox 360

Red Ring Of Death FIX Tutorial Xbox 360

Mase from TEAMHEADKICK takes you step by step through the easy way to fix your "Red Ring Of Death" on the Xbox 360. For about $12 in Parts, your Box will be like new, and will last a lot longer. Don't waste money buying a new xbox when you don't need to. You will need a Torx T8 and T10 Head to open your box. 1.) Take the Box apart. 2.) Remove the Heat Sinks 3.) Clean the CPU, and GPU and reapply a thin layer of thermal paste. 4.) Put the heatsinks back on, put the motherboard back in the tray. DON'T RECONNECT THE FANS YET. 5.) Connect the Power Cable and the A/V Plug, and turn your xbox back on. 6.) You will still see the 3 flashing Red Lights. 7.) Let your Xbox overheat, leaving it on, until the 3 Red Flashing Lights turn into 2 Red Flashing Lights. 8.) Turn the power off, Let the box cool down. 9.) Re- Install the Fans, the CD tray, and the box. 10.) Fire it up, and get back to gaming! Hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial, I've done it on over 15 xbox's for my friends that got Red Ringed, and its worked EVERY time. Hope it works for you! Directors Channel: www.youtube.com www.teamheadkick.com
My cousin just got the red ring of death on the xbox and it just

@Hippopattimus Also make sure yo don't have the red ring of death.

@ImBigHaas so you can fix the red ring of death? #Genius

I mean, think about it. PS2 Classics were off to a DAMN GOOD start; God Hand, GrimGrimoire, Maximo, Odin Sphere and Ring of Red.

#GHTellmewhattodo I think a Ring-around-the-Rosie tournament would be great!! But a game of Red Rover would suffice.

@Kounse11or if its the red ring of death, try wrapping it in towels and turning it on, it will eventually overheat and shut off

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