Magnum PI Theme Opening

Magnum PI Theme Opening

GREAT 80's TV SERIES!!! Written by the remarkable Donald P. Bellisario, this series basically relates the life of Thomas Sullivan Magnum (Tom Selleck), a retired US NAVY official that have been in the Vietnam war. Now he lives in Hawaii working to solve mysteries and help people as a Private Investigator ("PI"). The series also shows TC (Roger E. Mosley) and Rick (Larry Manetti) - both are Magnum friends that met him in the Navy. Jonathan Quayle Higgins is a british house keeper that works for Robin Masters, a famous book writer that allowed Magnum to live in his mansion after a successful job he made for him. There're also Zeus and Apollo, two doberman dogs that together with Higgins will make a nice team to bother Magnum in many episodes. Magnum PI Tom Selleck 80's TV Series Action Policial Donald Bellisario Hawaii Ferrari MD-500 Vietnam War
NgahahaRT @wishatila: Monyoong -__- RT @Dhikaauliaa: Biasa Es kado aja sok" magnum"@wishatila: Icecream

your such a hypocrite

maybe i should eat a magnum to make me happy

This nigga Charles look like a youngbul in his Avi lol

RT @NEW_IMPROVED_CT: if tht shit is true, she really pop smh

Wauwie!! Zin in die magnum white

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