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Vivienne Westwood on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross pt.1

Vivienne Westwood on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross pt.1

Fashion designer Vivienne Westwood talks about her storied career and latest projects on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. For more celebrity gossip go to: www.buzzpatrol.com
Vivienne westwood is just so cool #vandaevents

RT @OhDearChloe: Vivienne Westwood is as cool as fuck.

annoying when realise that your vivienne Westwood discount card had just expired

LFW: VIVIENNE WESTWOOD RED LABEL ОСЕНЬ 2012 #moda #fashion #news #новости #мода #LFW

@Dis0rder_ I generally thought Vivienne Westwood was your name lol

WAA cute Vivienne Westwood watch for christmas

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