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Kevin Costner & Modern West - "Long Hot Night" at the Grand Ole Opry

Kevin Costner & Modern West - "Long Hot Night" at the Grand Ole Opry

Academy Award winning actor Kevin Costner and his band Modern West perform "Long Hot Night" at the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman Auditorium, as seen on GAC's Opry Live.
I give it a few more days max before we all evolve gills - Kevin Costner style #Waterworld #fb

humble bgt si alan, uda tau scene dia bnyak dipotong, ttp aja ga ngejelek2in kevin costner

@OWTH all my Kevin costner themed tattoos are from the postman…so close

Faan, kan nån langa en bra frisör som inte tar en förmögenhet? Min vanliga har inte tid den här veckan och jag ser ut som Kevin Costner :(

@kvhaynes Kevin Costner in it... It is a pretty good movie. You should watch it

@aka_thedevil I want Revange the film with Kevin Costner and Forest Gump please! FYI LOL xx

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