日本テレビ「裏番国をぶっ飛ばせ」から、野球拳。ゲストの女性タレントとじゃんけんをして負けたほうが着衣を脱ぎ、その場でオークションに、そして収益はチャリティに。 今では野球拳の発祥地松山市民にとっては顰蹙のタネに。しかしこのお座敷遊戯を日本国中の老若男女に知らしめた功績は明らかです。
Team Fortress 2 - Law Abiding Engineer
What, 9000 comments? There's no way to keep it right! Full Quality Version available www.filefactory.com ablanknotebook.com www.adkgamers.com www.sendspace.com *** I proudly present my biggest animating/compositing project I ever did and now it is partially about TF2. Let's say, it is for the upcoming engineer update. You probably have heard of or seen the "Law abiding citizen" movie (better if not). So what if our tf2 heroes were included in the cast? Just imagine: the war is over, everybody has their own lives, engineer sits at home... PS Failed with aspect on youtube, though its ok in full quality version PPS Started on February 11, finished on March 29 Px3.S. Heck yeah, 2m views!