Panda-Z: Episode 2 - iRiver H320 compression
Opening and closing cut. This is formatted for my iRiver H320, just want to see how it looks on here. The subtitles look horrid, don't know really how I can fix it with the compression I'm required to use for the H320.
Mega64: Ico
Mega64's Ico skit from the Version 2 DVD. A tale of friendship more timeless than the game itself.
pink - zean zean
いただきもののラジオ音源です。 福岡ユタカ (ボーカル) 岡野ハジメ (ベース) 矢壁アツノブ (ドラム) ホッピー神山 (キーボード) 渋谷ヒデヒロ (ギター) スティーブ衛藤 (パーカッション)