Tv9 - Journalist Diary - Congress play ready! - Part 1

Tv9 - Journalist Diary - Congress play ready! - Part 1

Satish Babu's Journalist Diary focuses on new cadre of Congress, and future planning of Congress party with new team, and also he speaks about CM Kiran Kumar Reddy's agenda for 2014 elections.
@CraigHawker I can understand that PlayReady isn't strictly a @DVBLogic problem but it's frustrating when v3 didn't have that problem.

@crispycrunchie no I haven't, I did try using OTA guide data but thought it was causing the PlayReady issues so stopped. Might try again.

@databasejase cant remember whether i tried it. that plus network playready issues meant it just didnt fit for me.

#uvvu player with playready now in beta. Smooth playback. :-)

@databasejase @therealpbutler the playready message is spurious indicates some form of tuner issues which the pbda drivers can't handle.

ケーズデンキでIODATAのWindowsMediaCenter用3波USB TVチューナGV-MC7/VZが5000円以下で売られていたのでうっかり買ってしまったが、PlayReadyがどうとかで、映るまでだいぶ苦労させられた。ひどいなこの機構は…。

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