The Crown {Carousel} Braid | Updo Hairstyles

The Crown {Carousel} Braid | Updo Hairstyles

For more fun and easy hairstyle ideas, please visit... There are various tutorials out there that teach how to do the crown braid, but this one is intended to be one of the most clean and crisp. Some variations use a ponytail on top from which you pull strands into the crown braid. I do not particularly like that version as it leave a hole on the top of the head, and a bump as well. The Crown Braid uses the Dutch Braiding technique, but you pull the hair in on top only from the front. This is what makes the style look so clean, and allows for the braid to pop out. This style is perfect for formal occasions, prom, homecoming, graduation, baptism, communion, weddings, etc. It is particularly great for cheer, gymnastics, ballet, and other sports. Enjoy! Please don't forget to join our Facebook fan page at... http
And I will retire with the crown, yes No I'm not lucky I'm blessed

RT @MaryDownYaTL: Put a crown on your head and remove the chains’Cause even diamond chains are for slaves,<3 frank ocean

【定期】セトリ ふでペン~ボールペン 君の知らない物語 the everlastong Gilty Crown 天ノ弱 コネクト JOINT

Put a crown on your head and remove the chains’Cause even diamond chains are for slaves,<3 frank ocean

@CraigyShort SO much more!!! I have drank a litre and a half today ( ahead of the game) peed about 8 times. Crown on sat? Karaoookkkeee

@iDntGivAfukHomi in the morning I'm Bout to sleep.

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