The System - You Are In My System
*NEW!!* The System album, "Unreleased Unleashed", out now: itunes.apple.com Great music video from The System for the hit single "You Are In My System". Released in 1983 (Atlantic Records).

NBC News reports on Kurt Cobain's death 4-94
***I can't believe it's been 17 years since Kurt's death. SEVENTEEN YEARS! so long ago, yet doesn't seem like it.*** Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams report on the death of Kurt Cobain in April of 1994. RIP Kurt... whether it was suicide or foul play, may you rest in peace having forever changed music (for the better, in my opinion).

『聖なるかな -オリハルコンの名の下に-』0628追加ミッションプレイ動画
プレイステーション・ポータブル用ソフト『聖なるかな -オリハルコンの名の下に-』2012年6月28日配信予定の追加ミッション"ノゾミクエスト"のプレイ動画。 www.famitsu.com