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Rush - The Seeker 8-18-2004

Rush - The Seeker 8-18-2004

Rush playing at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City, on August 18, 2004, as part of their 30th Anniversary tour.
RT @Astrongbw: @THE_SOUL_SEEKER Believe me you keep me inspired. When I don't feel like it you tweet about the gym..I'm like ughh..let me get up. Lmbo!

@ToonArmyMIA @fatbloke70 Even her own Twitter "friends" were saying she's an attention seeker and has came up with some odd comments before.

Legend of the Seeker, it is

I disagree. A journalist is a truth-seeker. Our only service is to the truth. RT @AmeenaRasheed: A journalist is a public servant.

@HeroHQ I've checked many threads, the only mission people mention is the one with the broken seeker to get a photo (which I already have)

RT @Craig_Horner: Thank you to all Legend of the Seeker fans all over the world! The love and support you have shown is beyond words.

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