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NEW Halo 4 Trailer! - Microsoft E3 2012 Press Conference

NEW Halo 4 Trailer! - Microsoft E3 2012 Press Conference

The newest trailer for Halo 4 is here straight from Microsoft's E3 Press Conference! Check it out then leave us a note telling us what you think! Get more Halo 4 info on IGN: www.ign.com Subscribe to IGN's channel for the latest reviews, trailers, and walkthroughs: www.youtube.com
@e3_3 応対したお客さんに勝手に名前をつけるという遊びをやると時間経つの早いですよ

◈ 베이비콜라겐 ◈ RT @beautyplmania: [EVENT] 주목E3 콜라겐' 에 대해 들어 보셨나요!? 아기피부에 많은 이 콜라겐의 별명은 무엇일까요? RT로 정답을 맞추신 분께 추첨해서 선물드려요~!

Es gracioso porque seguramente todo lo que dice el tipo va a pasar en los Nintendo Direct y no en algún E3

@jimmyp80 @perfectlegend #perv lol I like those 2. I'm dying for #DeadOrAlive 5 after playing it @ #E3 and holding my own against the pros

@TheNewDJSandro in all seriousness there will be something from Valve at this years E3 that's all I know cause thats all that was released

RT @Luucasss2310: To com saudade da @pqp_MilyBeatriz ela nunca mais veio me ver é3 :/// zs'

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