森山良子「涙そうそう」(from 『Concert Tour2007-2008』)
デビュー45周年を迎えた森山良子。 45周年を記念して、森山良子の名曲「涙そうそう」のライブ映像を公開! (森山良子コンサートツアー 2007-2008 ~2008.1.30 鎌倉芸術大ホールより~) ★スペシャル企画「森山良子 × 鈴木慶一 プレミアム対談」配信中! 45周年記念シングル「6つの来し方行く末」をプロデュースしたムーンライダーズ鈴木慶一とのスぺシャル対談動画公開! 2人の出会いにあのアーティストが関わっていた!? 森山"良子"と森山"悪子"!?など等...、普段絶対に語られることのない制作秘話や笑い話、常に第一線で活躍してきたからこそ見えてくる音楽観や人生観。音楽ファンならずとも興味深い対談となっています。 7/16より、ドリーミュージックYouTube公式チャンネルwww.youtube.com にて全5回予定で毎週配信されます。 是非、併せてご覧ください!!

Dyson Air Multiplier - how it works
For my full review of this product, please visit: dustfluffgrit.blogspot.com The 40w brushless DC motor has a lifespan of 38000 hours - the equivalent of being run for 10.5 hours a day, every day, for 10 years! Uploaded with the permission of Dyson Ltd.

Anthony Crolla v Derry Mathews Inside Camp Interviews
www.britishboxers.co.uk - @britishboxers - Inside Boxing: British lightweight champion Anthony "Million Dollar" Crolla takes on Liverpool's Derry Mathews at Oldham Sports Centre on April 21 in a domestic title fight that has been characterised by mutual respect on both sides. The only bone of contention came when scheduled referee Marcus McDonnell praised Mathews on Twitter. The BBBoC moved quickly, replacing McDonnell with Steve Gray in a bid to stave off any criticism. Although there was no question whatsoever that McDonnell, a top class ref, displayed any bias by Tweeting his respect for the former WBU titlist. As Mathews states in this interview, the official became yet another victim of social media, but his reputation is beyond reproach. As is the reputation of both fighters, they have spoken about each other in glowing terms in the build-up to this one yet are likely to produce a thriller come Saturday. By: Terry Dooley and Chris Maylett Assistant camera: Robbie Nash for www.britishboxers.co.uk A big thankyou to both camps for their sincere welcome and the unlimited access we were given in making this picture.

珊瑚海(Coral Sea) - Jay Chou ft. Lara (Jason Chen x Sharon Kwan Cover)
watch the full video on my new channel www.youtube.com subscribe for asian songs! (korean and japanese attempts coming soon? =P) As well as chinese vlogs, and updates for my trips to Asia! www.jasondchen.com