CFS3:Spitfire vs Do 217.

CFS3:Spitfire vs Do 217.

Het bewijs dat Engeland beter is dan Duitsland
Yeah But I do so let keep going. Illinois Rep. Michael McAuliffe a RED and a NO on our Bill. 217-782-8182. Tell him to vote yes please.

RT @Mformike_: RT @eden_kidane: I know what to do wit itttt\355\240\275\355\270\217

Ppl think they running game, little do they know I invented that shit \355\240\275\355\270\217

I ain't been on a 217 this early since.....I don't even know. But I do know it's been months....

Amen sister ☺RT @IamVee1: Thanking the man above for all that HE has done & continues to do. \355\240\275\355\271\217\355\240\275\355\271\217\355\240\275\355\27

RT @KingG1g: "@Allenwizi: if you were my homework i would do you on the table \355\240\275\355\270\217 #SpitGameToARandomFollower" lmao lol haha good one.

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