Magpie Lane - The Boar's Head Carol
The Boar's Head Carol, preformed so well by Magpie Lane and produced by Tim Healey. Yes, very talented people. This is a celebrated English carol sung by tradition in an ancient ceremony at Queen's College, Oxford, every Christmas. The boar's head is brought in on a large sliver platter while a chief singer renders the verses and choristers take up the refrain. I do not own the song, paintings or photos in this video. It is mearly an attempt tell the story of this song, prefomed so well by Magpie Lane. I have no connection with either Magpie Lane or Beautiful Jo Records other than listening to the CD's and being a fan of Magpie Lane and Ian Giles. The boar's head in hand bring I, (Or: The boar's head in hand bear I,) Bedeck'd with bays and rosemary. I pray you, my masters, be merry (Or: And I pray you, my masters, merry be) Quot estis in convivio (Translation: As many as are in the feast) CHORUS Caput apri defero (Translation: The boar's head I offer) Reddens laudes Domino (Translation: Giving praises to the Lord) The boar's head, as I understand, Is the rarest dish in all this land, Which thus bedeck'd with a gay garland Let us servire cantico. (Translation: Let us serve with a song) CHORUS Our steward hath provided this In honour of the King of Bliss; Which, on this day to be served is In Reginensi atrio. (Translation: In the Queen's hall) CHORUS

ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) - Last Train To London
ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) Last Train To London Discovery (1979)

Autechre - Gantz Graf
The music video for "Gantz Graf" reached a cult status in underground computer-generated imagery art circles. The video features an abstract object (or an agglomeration of objects) perfectly synchronized to the sounds in the music as it morphs, pulsates, shakes, and finally dissolves. The visuals contain the same amount of richness and detail as the soundtrack does, having a visual counterpart to every little sound or frequency range in the song. Alex Rutterford (who had previously created an unofficial video for the Tri Repetae track "Eutow" as part of a Channel 4 music programme in 2001) claims the idea for the "Gantz Graf" video came during one of his LSD trips. See it the way it was meant to be seen! in HD 720p! here: www.youtube.com Thank you for this amazing upload, DrAsik100!