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Jennifer Connelly Waking the dead Last scene

Jennifer Connelly Waking the dead Last scene

After 10 years Sarah Williams came back to see Fielding, Jennifer is so touching! Almost the last scene of the movie.
And I just flipped channels and got more Jennifer Connelly, what up CAREER OPPERTUNIES.

I may be the only one here, but I think Jennifer Connelly is outrageously beautiful. She's prolly in my top 5

@Donisiosp Yo hasta que no salgan Jennifer Connelly o Linda Cardellini no participo xD

I think I'm in love with Jennifer Connelly<3

Jennifer connelly was a cutie back in the day

@CoolHebras @Donisiosp Jennifer Connelly cuando estaba ternesca era la mujer más bella que ha existido sobre la faz de la tierra. He dicho.

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